Hello, and thanks for being here. Another week is in the rear-view mirror, and here is a quick recap of some of the stories we published this week. They are not all of the writing, because I am trying to do a Journal Entry most days, and if that is of any interest to you, you can always find them here on this blog/website. I just don’t want to take up room here.
Speaking of HERE, I want to say that I am grateful for your spending your time with me. Our readership is growing, and I want especially to thank you for sharing any of this with your friends.
This week’s old cowboy movies were dandies, or I wouldn’t have watched them. I wouldn’t recommend one if I hadn’t watched it all the way through. I love Grit.
This week’s tunes are a bit different from those that usually rattle around in my brain. They have a Nashville connection but are not songs everybody sings to themselves a lot. Especially the Johnny Cash song. It’s, an old Nine Inch Nails song, but he does it incredibly enough, along with the imagery, so as to make it less easily forgotten.
Thanks for reading. I’ll see you next Friday. Please don’t forget you are welcome to come to this website during the week if you wish. You will see the “work” in progress.