As many of you know, this has been a truncated week for me because of PJ’s retirement party and having company at the old home office/big-time writing studio.
Nevertheless, the show must go on, so here we go.
This week my head tunes have seemed to restrict themselves to the music about Memphis. Not the one 12 miles south of Cairo, on the west bank of the Nile, but rather the one in Tennessee, 212 miles west of Nashville, on the east bank of the Mississippi.
I hope you enjoy them.
If you don’t, I’m sorry ‘bout you, because I just don’t keep a bad song in my head.
That’s it for this week- still trying to figure out this newsletter.
You know what they say, “If I knew what I was doing, I would probably be doing something else.”
Thanks, again for reading! Tell your friends. ( Today’s Writing Tips)