Weekend notes
From the weekend. I sneak down to the beach sometimes on the weekend to recreate. It does start to get busy this time of year...
I sneak down to the beach sometimes on the weekend to recreate.
It does start to get busy this time of year.
What you are looking at in my picture, there is a neat little item somebody has come up with, patterned after the PSL system in some football stadiums, where people can buy the right to buy the ticket for that particular seat, or something.
Well, the people at Ticketmaster, or Disney, or somewhere have built a bunch of these sharp little elevated stadium areas, where people can look way out into the water.
It does have a nice breeze, and a bit of shade from the sun if you want it, but its primary beauty is the view of nature.
This time of year, from that height, one can see a few whales lazily noodling around way offshore.
Closer in at certain times, if you are lucky and you have picked a good day and hour to watch, you can see a flock (school?) of sharks busily feeding on tourists.
The seabirds are everywhere, as is the white, lumpy proof of that fact. Which is another good use of the sunguard.
So I was lucky this year. The first time this year I went down there, I learned about these great little viewing stations.
I immediately knew that was a great idea, and here I was lucky enough to be having it explained to me by a Ticketmaster or Disney employee. I think his name was Raphael. He told me how usually the tickets cost two thousand dollars for the season, but he was prepared to let me have it for $1100, cash, that day only, as a promotional price.
I knew it is a wonderfully lucky day because I had also already heard also from a prince of some country overseas, wanting to get me to help him invest some big bucks in this country. One transaction will more than pay for my fish-watching stand.
Is this a great country or what?
In process…