It's Friday! I know this has become a target-rich environment. But here’s what we’re looking at currently. The following statement...
Neil Kelly -
I know this has become a target-rich environment. But here’s what we’re looking at currently. The following statement had evolved and wormed its way onto this Storyteller’s Blog “About” page.
Every day you should expect at least 3 things. 1) A journal entry about my undercover, superhero life, 2) A beginning and free conclusion link to that day’s Medium story, and 3) A Writer’s Tip, or another trendy department. -I’m tempted to give away free stuff from time to time, but I’ve been advised that it may be way too much for some people to take.
Someone also complained that the last paragraph contained too much math.
Lord knows I’ve tried!
I’ve brainstormed subjects and picked out topics. I’ve done the research. I’ve made outlines until I could just choke. Yet sometimes there are only a couple of people up in Ohio who read them.
And I admit I do much better just sitting here and rambling about mostly nothing.
Those are my two choices. One tough. The other fun. As John Sebastian said, “You know you’ve got to make up your mind.”
That is one of my problems.
Structured or stream of consciousness?
For now, I am going to try to do both- a daily home office note/journal AND a more serious Medium story. The Medium stories will make me a few pennies with your reads, so I usually give a free (to you) link in case you have time to finish them over there. The miscellaneous ramblings probably will not end up over at Medium. (There ARE standards, you know.)
And secret agent, superhero stuff will be just between you and me.
My journals are still published during the day and are subject to being added to during the rest of that day. Please comment and share if you ever feel so led.
Inner Warriors
I used to think of them as “those voices.”
Which, now, in retrospect, was a much healthier outlook than now.
Then they were my “imaginary friends,” which is also a pretty harmless concept.
But in a recent Inner Warrior Scan at Vanderbilt (the University and Medical Center, not the gaudy mansion) it was disclosed that they were, indeed inner warriors. They can be sorry friends, or they can be powerful allies. It depends on the day.
And each day can be different from the last day. Some days I am quite off balance. Somedays I have an odd gait. Sometimes I’m profoundly tired. Sometimes I can visualize and talk them into siding up with me and my immune system to defeat a cold. Other times they hold my immune system hostage.
I guess it’s never boring. It is how I can be an undercover agent Tuesday, and then a superhero Wednesday, and never break a sweat.
Until science perfects the art of remyelination, it’s my job to make light of my situation. I am blessed, actually because many others a much worse off than I.
What’s that, you say?
No, YOU’RE full of it!
OK, so I was making up about making up imaginary voices to look more normal.
New Departments coming!
Photo by No Revisions on Unsplash
Photo by Jason Rosewell on Unsplash