Where I regurgitate a thick soup of life and wisdom from the last 24 hours.
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As they say, “Good morning!”
I’m listening to “La Boheme” playing quietly while I begin to work on today’s stories.
Today’s story is no story, only an aggravation. I am taking one prescription for my MS to make me feel stronger, and I was just perscribed another, to combat neuropathy and finally allow me to sleep the entire night. So I guess they are fighting each other, so the result is that it takes my body a while to catch up with my mind in the mornings.
This, of course, is nothing new to me, for my fertile brain to be outracing everything else around it.
I am working hard on my microbooks, 12 or 13 right now, and I’m working on chapter 4 of the next one. Maybe I’ll separate them into two groups, writing for one and real estate for another for right now.
I have published nine of the ten chapters in my latest Micro-book, Pretty soon it will be available at Amazon. If you get a chance, tell me if you see anything I need to correct or polish! Let me know!
I am trying to settle into a routine of putting on a steaming pot of chowder in the morning and working on it during the day with lost readers having the ability to drop by, have a taste, and tell me “needs more intelligence.” during the day. It will be finished by supper time. In the interim, I may publish a medium story all while working a full-time job for a jerk of a boss. Remember the weekend’s chowders were about email lists and writers’ notebooks.
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Don’s a keen observer and prolific reporter of truth, common sense, humor, & life. He’s a WRITER and humorist, sometimes serious, sometimes tongue-in-cheek. He lives in Nashville, TN. He publishes every weekday morning. If you liked this stuff, upgrade to FREE direct delivery to your mailbox by subscribing HERE! You can quit anytime you become nauseous.
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I am Don Martin. I write books and stories. Check out my new microbook about microbooks. Join my reader family for my writing news and rumors.