Start Here!

This is a quick guide to this site. It’s FREE!

When I first started writing, I just wrote the way I talked. One of my real estate customers asked me if I had a book or video about my business. I decided to make one for a sales tool. Like a business card.

Then when I started writing more, I discovered that there existed rules. Rules I didn’t even know about.

I had to scramble not only to discover the rules but also to discover if there was a way to make money from my writing.

Being a new writer is a puzzle. Don’t make it worse.

I read almost unceasingly to discover these things.

But those I studied, had written much more than I and ostensibly had made much more money than I. But some of the stories I read, after I finished held little meaning for me.

Some spoke in words that sounded awkward and less understandable to me because mine was not their normal language. Others spoke of their practices in lofty similes, metaphors, and theories.

Some writers will be happy to sell you a course for several hundred dollars or sell you a subscription that makes them a six-figure income.

My Creds: 30 books, 970+ articles.

Since my journey was difficult for me, it is my desire to share it with you in a common, real-life manner so my journey can hold meaning and help for you, without costing you a fortune.

And we’ll have some fun while we’re at it.

1. This site will mostly be free, except for a secret part about one special site, that’s risky to publish.

Even though I do have bills to pay, it is my promise that this entire site will never be behind a subscription paywall. It will be free for those who wish to become a writer. It took me years of searching engines, how-to articles, and YouTube videos as well as trying and practicing the things I learned.

2. You will help me if you subscribe, even for free.

You will also help if you share with your friends.

3. There will be ways you can contribute if you wish to.

You can pay for a subscription, but you will not receive any extra gifts or privileges as being a free subscriber gets you, or there may be places for a one-time gift. Stories that start on this site and finish via a free link to Medium, won’t cost you anything but will help me by giving me a “read” even though it is a free read.

4. There will be merch for sale.

They may or may not be attractive to you. you can live without them, anyhow.

5. There may be affiliate links.

When clicked, they will take you to a place where you can purchase something I am talking about. It won’t cost you more but will make me a bit of money.

To clarify our current schedule…

Usually a Backpages Journal posted daily - free subscription

Often a Rough Crowd Writers Guild posted every day - free subscription

Deeper Doofus posted two or three times a week. - paid subscription

Email recaps weekly on Monday - free subscription

(Posted means only published at this website.)