FRIDAY MUTTERINGS, Nov 3, 2023 wk#44
Recaps, tunes, old cowboy movies, & reader's questions.
Good morning, my posse!
My posse, of course, consists of peeps and buds.
Peeps are casual friends, followers on Medium or Twitter, and other places.
My buds are a closer group of subscribers at Medium, Substack, or anywhere that is not dependent on the platform itself to let us communicate.
For instance, Facebook can decide to make a change in its algorithms, and POOF! You may no longer exist. So a platform like this one is much more practical and valuable to both of us.
I don’t like to miss something I am waiting for.
Anyway, here’s where we are right now in my journalistic architecture.
My daily mutterings section will likely be posted daily. POSTED. To this area, or blog, whatever you wish to call it. It won’t be emailed to your crowded mailbox except on Fridays.
So even on Thursday, if you had the notion, you could click on over to the site and read Monday’s post in its entirety.
On Friday’s edition that will be emailed to you, there will be links for your convenience, to Mondays, Tuesdays, etc posts to read if you have not already done so.
Let me go through a short list of topics we are going to talk about this coming week.
Daylight Saving Time is still something we have to argue about, legally.
License Plate Reading cameras were argued, passed, installed, and WORKED to catch some criminals and stop some crime in Nashville. Then we outlawed them and began taking them down at the criminals’ requests.
The two political parties in Nashville, the Santa Clause party in the city, and the rural party around the city are at each other’s throats again.
We have so much real stuff to worry about, but we are paying for our legislators to continually debate on which committee runs our airport.
A brand new Beatles song/recording was released yesterday, called “Now and Then,” and constructed with old tapes, living Beatles, and that dreaded A.I. It’s an OK song, in a minor key, and John didn’t argue with anybody during the process. is hassling me over the artistic rights of yellow rectangles.
Yesterday was my LAST day of therapy. It was tearful. They made me sign a pledge to go to a different hospital if I ever have another medical event.
We are looking forward to dealing with these subjects soon!
MONDAY, OCT 30,2023
Don’t Believe Advice from Writers
⭐Publish & Profit: A Beginner's Guide to Making Your First $1000 Writing on Medium (affiliate link.)
This space is for you.
Remember, there are no stupid questions, only stupid answers.
And thanks for not pointing that out every chance you get.
A reader did ask who I thought I was, to be talking about all this stuff about which I am talking. About. So, in response, I will say,
“I’m a big-time writer, Who do you think you are, asking me all these stupid questions?”
⭐Publish & Profit: A Beginner's Guide to Making Your First $1000 Writing on Medium (affiliate link.)
And don’t forget I’ve had a stroke and sometimes I publish all out of my head.
Keep those questions coming, and tell your remaining friends about us!
Remember, this newsletter is completely free! If you ever begin to feel guilty about being such a taker and not a giver, I believe there is a place at the bottom where you can buy me a cup of coffee.
Like THAT will support the arts.
-don, changing what I can change, laughing at what I can’t.
Today is my last day of physical therapy. not for just the week, but the LAST day.
Big party day. wings. chips. silliness, booze.
If EVERYBODY’S gonna be knee-walking, they can’t keep making fun of me!
They said the new Beatles tune will be the last one ever. Unless somebody comes up with some outtakes from an early session at Abbey Road...