Good morning, and I quit!
Yep, I quit a challenge today of writing ten articles each day for a hundred days.
Now I know some of you would prefer my wording to be that I lost my challenge. Failed my test. Sacked the old bats, and started the buses. Threw in the towel. Tapped out.
That is not actually what it was.
I was doing great until I wasn’t
So now I’ve altered my goal just a wee bit. Nuanced it some.
Today I have interjected a touch more realism into my goal. It is my desire, at this point, to levitate to the burned-out light bulb in my majestic bathroom area, and perform maintenance on it.
Then I will run in a local 5k at the fairgrounds.
Then, I will write one story today that will not make anyone violently ill, although they still can be in awe of my obvious writing talent. I will change my medium profile to contain the word LOSER in all caps.
Additionally, our new goal is to accumulate 1000 carefully written stories in our inventory by the end of the year. This is partially in response to Frank in Toledo, who commented, “What’s with all the stories and crap? Could you just give us a few minutes to take a breath?”
You may have noticed, that I have carefully removed any mention here of my disability due to the horrible chainsaw accident. We don’t need pity-subscribers.
This entry will be slightly truncated, having no music or reams of curated material. I hope the expanded section of Taylor Swift’s photos will help control your grief.
And her new video…
Therefore, in addition to the all-electric kitchen and the pony you normally get for subscribing here, now I must make a big deal of the fact that I will have even more time to devote to you, my peeps and buds, and things that make you happy.
This may be overwhelming to some.
Must check on my umbrella policy.
Don't exhaust yourself, Don...