You Say It’s My Birthday!
"Happy birthday to me" -John Lennon
Published by Don on July 11, 2024
Yes, I am rather disheveled this morning, but here I am…
Maybe I’m just an old Beatle-loving goober, but I surely saw a lot of great stuff in my time.
Wednesday it is, and I’m writing today’s journal entry. I am sure that I will work here for a while this morning, then work on a couple of other (real estate) projects, and then try to finish this up later in the day.
Also, today is probably Thursday, Writing Tips Thursday.
PROTIP: If you are going to be a writer, make it enjoyable.
Don’t do it to make money. Don’t do it to make money. Don’t do it to make friends and be famous. It’s a very lonely sport, Especially in the beginning. there will be lots of months when you don’t make money and when the numbers just don’t add up. Here’s today’s PROTIP. Make it fun.
If you don’t enjoy writing, you won’t do it consistently enough to get any better at it and see the value of it.
If your style is humorous, don’t expect overnight success. in fact you may not have a lot of success at all, as some people are not inclined to laugh anymore. if you choose to write about something else, let’s say my favorite, cattle-spit, There will surely be some readers who will argue with you.
Many people have unfollowed me because of my position on cattle spit, so I have decided that I am truly the only one to judge the amount of fun I am having.
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