The Struggle for Answers
B.S. from Akron wrote to ask, “why do you not still call this feature Struggle Bus?”
Well, the answer is that apparently, those words carry a dark connotation for some regarding cult activities, especially in our elementary schools, involving biting heads off chickens, ultra-relaxed concussion protocols in junior intermural athletics, spitball carrying in backpacks, various peace-corner violations, and bullying (especially bullying the faculty.)
Of course, this was never the purpose of the department, so in a thinly-veiled effort to change the name and still keep most of the army of readers, we decided to shift the name slightly so as still to maintain its nuanced direction.
Interesting fact: Mathematically, “square root” has nothing to do with an odd-shaped beet.
Interesting fact: Semantically, “hyphenophobia,” with which we are certainly not afflicted, has nothing to do with “hypnophobia,” which puts us to sleep just thinking about it.
The Struggle to Write.
Since the words all but fly out of my fertile brain on a fairly constant basis, this struggle is never really much of a factor here.
Readers I do worry about.
Should I change my topics? Change my style? Keep my humor to myself? So many possibilities and so little time. And after one of my professional visits last week, I think there may be even less time than that.
When I got to my psychologist’s office Thursday, one of my other personalities was already there, and had taken up almost a quarter of my time. Not to be picky or anything, but I thought I was in charge of me and Mr. Stumble-somebody says I’m the expert in the field of me, so where do these phonies get off trying to be a faux me?
My decision is that I will not be personality-shamed into changing!
We may all go down together, but sooner or later these faux mes will realize they have to eat too… let’s make the most of these two readers we have and turn out some real meat-and-potatoes type articles.
Let’s put the “our” in humour.
Put the “ow” in double down.
Saving 998 seats for the rest of the true fans.
Don’s Big-Time Writer’s Corner
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Coming Attractions
If the old Struggle Bus readership doesn’t pick up, we’ll introduce a “Struggle for Readers” section! Kristen Stark wouldn’t even call this comedy pyrite!
Subscribe HERE, as soon as you can. For instance, if I happen to be talking to a big-shot editor about publishing something of mine, and they ask how many subscribers I have to my website or newsletter, help me be able not to reply “duh…”
Today’s topic- when a Medium reader clicks the Medium button for email delivery of the new works of an author, who sends it to them today? Does Medium send it automatically? Does the author need to send it? Can the author add that email address to his off-medium newsletter?
I’ve read dozens of stories trying to get answers, but the answers about emailing are all over the map, change from month to month, or are just plain insufficient.
Does ANYONE AT ALL out there know the current answers? I would surely be beholden.
Thanks so much. Later!
Don’s a keen observer and prolific reporter of truth, common sense, humor, & life. He is a WRITER|CREATOR|HUMORIST — based in Nashville, enjoying and reporting the absurd on his website daily, and sent in a weekly newsletter to your inbox. — Follow at
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