Writer Squeezin’s Weekend Recap/Newsletter
An update of stories in case you missed any this last week, #48 With Tracy Nelson music.
Good morning! Welcome to the weekend update of the stories we published this last week and maybe some extra stuff. This article is complete and self-contained right here.
Of course, it will be even more complete and even more self-contained in our newsletter, where it also will contain more items like your horoscope, a gossip column, movie reviews, a song video, classified advertisements, and other expanded elements.
It’s important, at this point, to explain why this Weekend update is happening on more of a “window of opportunity” basis. We can use the same image regardless of the day of publication. I still intend to ramble through all the different stories on Writer Squeezin’s Ranch, generally wading into my stream of consciousness.
In fact, the primary purpose of this story is to give you a list of stories we published last week in case you missed any.
Look, we’re a family here. We have to save our energy for Thursday at dinner, the traditional time for arguments. That’s when we all fall out onto the green fighting, not now.
So for now, thanks for being here, family. It’s very good to see you!
Last week’s stories
Impatient Writers Make More Money
Medium Writer Still Upbeat! — Who Am I, and What’s My Deal?
Humor Writers Still Sad — ‘It Was Brilliant to Catch It’: UK Fisherman Catches Monster 67-Pound…
How Medium Writers Keep Their Holiday Read-Numbers High
Edit Your Story Title After Publication
Starting a Writer’s Five-Day Challenge
Why Five-Day Writer Challenges?
Mortgage rates dropping again this week!
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Today’s Tune
Tracy Nelson, one of my favorites from the good old days at the Exit/In, having just flat-lined in the name of progress on the block in Nashville.
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title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
This week’s Cowboy Movie replay pick.
Neither of my high school English teachers thought I would ever amount to much. Well, I showed them — now I’m a big-time writer!
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