Writer-Man and His Side-kick, Captain Morgan
In “Blurring the Line”
Narrator: “There is a fine line between fiction and nonfiction.
“Between instruction and entertainment.
“Between research and runaway imagination.
“There’s a fine line between the serious treatment of a topic and being unable to restrain one’s sense of humor.”
There are people who have always been incapable of not cracking a joke for good measure. (Is that a double-negative?)
Writer-man theme music
At any rate, my alter-ego, Writer-man, is just such a person. He and his sidekick, Captain Morgan, along with a cameo appearance from a pack of Luckies, find themselves in today’s adventure entitled “Blurring the Line,” in which our hero comes to the realization that he is no longer able to tell the difference between good humor and cheap tawdry puns to gain a smile, something which, incidentally, his editor at the Daily Medium, never did.