Write a Short Story in a Weekend - INTRO
From Blank Page to Polished Story in Just 48 Hours INTRODUCTION
Why would anyone want to write a short story in a weekend?
I have written a short story or two, but they have not turned out as well as they should have. I judge that by the usual standards, How many people look at it, and then, how many read it.
As I've mentioned previously, I am impatient. Impatient with success, and impatient with myself. I love having written even better than writing itself. Shorter essays work better than long dissertations and short stories work infinitely better for me than novels.
Another of my co-weaknesses is the pragmatic view of my writing. I need to have a true plan for where I am going, so I can stop and laugh at my monkey mind when it deviates.
Obviously, speedy writing keeps my attention better, allows me to write more pieces, write them faster, and more productively, and ultimately gives me more practice.
So this book is about my journey as much or more than about my destination. My progress rather than my expertise or perfection.
Besides, Ray Bradbury told me to get my you-know-what in gear and crank out one of these darlin’s every week.