Why, yes, I DO have a LOT to get done today!
This money’s not gonna make itself!
There are going to be a couple of people checking out this website today since I’ve been working on it. They probably want to see some fresh journalism.
The old.
I admit I’ve been spending way too much of my time for more than a year now chasing my tail without catching it, shooting at a goal that moved from time to time. And I guess I was annoyed more by that than I should have been. I worked harder and harder to publish two or three or more stories on many days, to the exclusion of some of my other activities.
Like my blogs.
And the three or four people who enjoy them.
The new.
So, moving forward, as “you know who” likes to say, I will be concentrating on my site, Substack, and Medium, along with working on some new short stories and a couple of books. I also have to be working my regular job to pay rent.
There is little rest for a creative. Or me.
I am working on an eCourse or two to offer as well, in case anyone wonders how I write these dazzling articles.
Off up in the middle.
In other words, I am discontinuing looking at my stats page. I have also made a pledge to stop boring people with stories about my plans because that is a waste of time for both of us.
Once the bots see them, I can just kiss them goodbye.
Thanks for your support!
And, Oh yes, please consider subscribing to my eMail list. I think you’ll enjoy it a lot, and it surely will help me. Then, as we say in my ‘hood, we’ll be cookin’ like Crisco!
Photo by Stephen Leonardi on Unsplash
A real estate broker for the last 38 years, Don’s also a keen observer and prolific reporter of truth, common sense, humor, & life. He’s a WRITER|HUMORIST, sometimes serious, sometimes tongue-in-cheek — Follow him at one TWITTER, another TWITTER, FACEBOOK, MEDIUM, or his WEBSITE.
1) Tap here to get all of Don’s stories delivered right to your mailbox. (Often Medium notifies less than 1% of his followers about any of his new and wonderful stories.)
2) Tap here to join Don’s “Back Pages,” a quick bit of weekly personal, insider-type thoughts. — He has already made thousands smile, hundreds laugh out loud, and dozens unsubscribe!
Don is also the editor of two start-up Medium publications, Writers & Storytellers, and DIY Real Estate.
Originally published at
on February 2, 2023.