Hi! I’m Don Martin. I have a slightly convoluted sense of humor. This picture is not that funny, however, even though some insensitive types may snicker for no apparent reason. I call it “My Painful Eye Surgery, During Covid, While Wearing a Snazzy Hawaiian Shirt.”
I can’t keep from laughing.
But I do love a good laugh. I love any kind of laugh. Sometimes, I can’t keep from laughing. It’s a defense mechanism for me.
I also love writing.
I also love writing. I have tried writing serious, academic non-fiction, but sometimes it still ends up a little funny. The line gets blurred where one ends and one begins. People ask themselves, “Is he seriously being funny right now?”
Update 11–21–2022, I have reached an executive decision. People read newsletters for one of two reasons. Two only. To be taught something. Or to enjoy something.
I do a lot of writing on Medium, and I must admit, a lot of it is about how to write on Medium. But there are hundreds of others who write about the same thing.
I just realized I don’t have to take up space and time here offering educational materials and areas. It’s more fun to just have fun. No “fun licenses” to renew.
People who have been kind enough to follow me are like family now, and they don’t confide that they follow for what they learn. Instead, they say things like “boy are you a doofus.”
So that’s all for the coursework. Let’s open a couple of cool ones and turn on the game.
The rest that I write is mostly observational commentary, and I’m not going to quit either one of those. I’m just not going to offer classes or sell lessons.
Our new motto is “Let’s have fun at this. If you need to learn how to write, I think the Y has some night classes.”
Only writing, no more professorial activities. If you see a link that’s still live, please tell me. Then, ignore it. At this point, it’s false advertising, Think about it. Why should I try to teach something I can’t even do?