Writer/humorist, sharing his stories and the stories behind them. He's made thousands smile, hundreds laugh out loud, & dozens unsubscribe!
Nothing theoretical here. This place is for people who like my stories and/or people who want to make a living writing. Real-life, real-world stuff. Recaps emailed FRIDAYS.
“I like your humor, Don… you gave me a good start into the day!” -SC
It is a website where you can drop in when you want and check things out. I also send a newsletter every week or so. On Fridays.
The STORIES include ones I publish on Medium.com.
The BACK PAGES are just between you and me. I don’t usually intend to publish them on Medium or they are the unpublished back story of a front story that started in Medium . Sometimes it’s just about stupid stuff. Sometimes it is about incredibly intelligent stuff. A lot of the time they’re funny-ish. Sometimes they’re just trashy.
This place is about stuff I like, all over the map, except without profanity or politics, so you wouldn’t worry about leaving it open on your coffee table even if you have kids.
Oh yes, the NEWSLETTER will include some links to a few of the stories from that week, a music video, a recipe for your Easy-Bake Oven, and surprises from time to time, like a trip to Cabo or an all-electric kitchen and a pony.
I’m a Southern guy and a Southern writer. I like Southern cooking, honest people, and a simple way of life. I treasure old friends, especially the ones who still speak to me.
I like to look at life, laugh, and write about it. I’ll tell you the beauty of this site if you read on a little bit…
I may have done other things in my life, but right now I also write. A lot.
I also make things up.
If you like my writing, I hope you follow stories that interest you back onto Medium.
Now, the first thing about Medium is it usually costs you $5 a month, but that lets you read all the authors and stories and I do hope you consider that.
If you are starting here, subscribe to my newsletter, and I give you a “friend link” to click on that won’t cost you anything to finish the story. A story you start reading here will either ALL be here completely, or, if I have to continue it on another page, IT WON’T COST YOU ANYTHING.
And remember, if you are the shallow type, primarily here for whatever you can get for free, I will send them to you in your “welcome letter.” There’s certainly no shame in that, but you know you do have to subscribe here first, so I have a reason to welcome you.
And I would regard it as a huge favor if you would tell a friend about us.