Photo by JC Gellidon on Unsplash
I have to admit to you, sometimes I really wish I knew what I was doing. I just now sent this article which I have just begun, out to readers. There will probably be a few unsubscribes today. Sorry.
At any rate, I think I am excited. I may have finally found what I need to do with my Substacks. An agent-type lady told me that I needed to keep it simply an author site where I could speak with peeps who like to read my writing.
Previously, I used it to do that and maybe be a little instruction, since I have a WordPress author site already.
She said the chemistry of the Substack system made it easy to gain wider exposure and reader community. She said her agency recommends authors have a Substack. Further, the size of my reader list has a bearing on getting published traditionally and the size of the advance to me. And I really could use a nice advance right now.
I have over 17,000 friends and followers on a couple of different platforms, so I need to gather them up to this Substack. She suggested I operate this as a PBS station- free, but able to be paid.
So over the coming few days, I will be working on this. Thanks for being here and being a fan or reader. I appreciate you. Please feel free to throw me some questions or comments below! More in a minute!
Tonight, my sweetheart fixed me my favorite meal, a tomato sandwich.
I have been busy with my third microbook of August, and I’m going to get started again tomorrow.
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Please send me a short note on Fridays, and any freebies when you get them. I know I can cancel anytime. Don has already made thousands smile, hundreds laugh out loud, & dozens unsubscribe! Join 17,760 fans on different platforms! Please go to my home page, There’s always a seat for you at my table!
Don’s a keen observer and prolific reporter of truth, common sense, humor, & life. He’s a WRITER and humorist, sometimes serious, sometimes tongue-in-cheek. He lives in Nashville, TN. He publishes every weekday morning.
Some rich people can be pompous assholes at times, like that surgeon