WED- Hump-day-ish Humor
I intend it to bring a powerful one-two punch to bludgeon both your common sense and your good taste.
In a way, I hate to call it “hump-day humor” because that may be a great disservice to the word humor. There is, however, no cute alliteration for the word oddness. Some items here in the future may not be funny but only strange. Maybe Wednesday Weirdness…
Speaking of twos, I have discovered there are two types of people- writers, and those who often wish they were writers.
And I reinforce the old adage that opinions are like newsletters- everybody’s got one.
Tonight I fell.
My knees gave out partially as a result of my sedentary life-style writing.
My hardwood and tile floors look lovely, but don’t do well on knees and ankles wile someone is trying to get out of the floor. The fire department saved the day for me a couple of years ago, but their phone just rang tonight.
Then, as I lay on the floor with my head over the vent, the air conditioner came on and almost froze my nose, before we found someone to help.
So the humor level was drained for the day.
I’ll try to be less humorous next week.
To conclude today’s brief encounter in an effort to get some of your ideas for my fields of journalistic interest, they are as follows, good, bad, and ugly in no particular order:
Humor, storytelling.
Writing, and help for people who woke up and discovered they might be writers.
Irony, satire, and sarcasm.
Funny stuff, whimsy, hilarity, frivolity and jocularity.
I encourage you to subscribe to my budding newsletter called “The Big-Time Writer” which will give you regular insight into the extra content and outtakes of this area. The subscription will also give you two more important things you might not have now. 1) A copy of “A Year of Martin,” about 216 pages of stupidity, and 2) the ability to unsubscribe, and drop me like third-period French.
If you enjoy, or think you would enjoy writing short stories, I have put together a 39-page how-to tool kit of resources if you want to join our community. You can find it here.
I thank you again for your time, and I stand in continued amazement and gratitude.
I see you’re already smiling, so why not go ahead and join Don’s extra-content “BIG-TIME WRITER” newsletter, coming with extra smiles and the book “A Year of Martin!”
Parts Published in WRITER SQUEEZIN’S | Don Martin, Real-life Writer Jun 29, 2022