Two Tiny Items I Can Do This Weekend That Will Make Next Week’s Writing E-Z.
Probably will for you, too.
It almost seems too small to be as powerful as it is.
1. Saturday. During the day, grab one of my notebooks or even a couple of sheets of paper and write down five questions, or interesting concepts I have thought about. Maybe I read what someone else asked about. They have to be somewhat interesting to me, something I know or would like to know. I read my questions two or three times and put them away.
2. Sunday. I grab those papers from yesterday, and even while I may be doing something else, I write down any questions about each one that spring to mind. I write down no fewer than two or three and no more than five ideas/questions. I don’t dwell on them or think too much about them. I do them and put them back away until next week.
Now, the following week I will pull out one each day and complete it, edit, road test, and hit submit to the publication of my choice.
That was way too easy, wasn’t it?
Another story about writing stories…
Neither of my high school English teachers thought I would ever amount to much. Well, I showed them — now I’m a big-time writer! I can teach you how to be one too! Click HERE to grab my PDF guide on how to become a Big-Time Writer.
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