Tuesday Newsletter for the Shy
You know who you are. You don’t join in. You don’t like to sign your name to anything. You’d rather spend an hour to find my new stories than ten minutes if you were subscribed, For some strange reason, you think I might get into trouble if I get into your inbox before you realize it. Like I might tear something up. Or steal something. Or have my way with your other emails.
Or perhaps you are not worried about my inbox havoc as much as you are worried that I may then know too much about you- your vulnerabilities, like the fact you still wet the bed, or that you have a gambling problem.
I get it.
Your inbox is a private place.
Or maybe you were scared as a child by Yahoo or Gmail.
Either way, you would rather climb a tree to read my stories than stand on the ground and have them handed to you for free.
But if you are shy or introverted or somehow unable to keep up with your friends as to your social progress, do not dispair, this newsletter is for you.