Top Three Things That Can Change My Writing Inertia
According to Newton’s law of writer’s blocks
Don’s a keen observer and prolific reporter of truth, common sense, humor, & life. He’s a WRITER and humorist, sometimes serious, sometimes tongue-in-cheek. He lives in Nashville, TN. He publishes every weekday morning. If you like his writing, here are 7 ways to find his stories. Don’t forget to have direct delivery of new stories by subscribing HERE! At the end of this story, he will put any links you need that may be associated with this story.
For me, writer’s block is caused by not writing. Here are the top three reasons that I may stop writing for a while.
Medical. Yep, I do have a bit of that going on.
Company. A house full of grand-peeps, to me, are much more fun than writing.
My Real Estate Business, a website, putting FSBO house-sellers in the MLS is seasonally quite a handful.
But, there is only one thing to start up my writing again, and that is writing itself. I can start with baby steps, and write a short form story or two, fairly painlessly. One a day for the first two days. According to Newton’s law, the writing will tend to continue, once started. And I can start to see a big cumulative difference after three or four two-a-days. Check your stats page.
Then, I can gradually lengthen the stories. Stories even a bit longer than 150 words will give a bit longer reads and make more money.
The thing to realize is that we all get into a slump from time to time. It’s just that we can’t remain in it.
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