There’s a Bot Behind Every Bush
And Algorithms are Starting to Make my Ears Ring.
I think I may have figured out why I have lost so many reads on my articles and stories.
I just discovered yesterday, the intimate relationship between Medium and my Twitter followers and Facebook likers.
Last week, at some point, upon being urged to use hashtags on Twitter, I put #pleasedontdropthirdperiodfrench on one of my tweets.
I intended to put #amwriting, of course, but somehow I must have blown it.
Overnight I lost dozens of Twitter followers and almost immediately cut my Medium reads to a fraction of what they used to be.
Therefore, my dear Medium, I have learned my valuable lesson. From here on, I will proofread and use Grammarly on EVERYTHING I write!
Please forgive me!
A real estate broker for the last 38 years, Don’s also a keen observer and prolific reporter of truth, common sense, humor, & life. He’s a WRITER|HUMORIST, sometimes serious, sometimes tongue-in-cheek — Follow him at one TWITTER, another TWITTER, FACEBOOK, MEDIUM, or his WEBSITE.
1) Tap to get all of Don’s stories delivered right to your mailbox. (Often Medium notifies less than 1% of his followers about his new and wonderful stories.)
2) Tap to join Don’s “Back Pages,” a quick bit of weekly personal, insider-type thoughts. — He has already made thousands smile, hundreds laugh out loud, and dozens unsubscribe!
Don is also the editor of two start-up Medium publications, Writers & Storytellers, and DIY Real Estate.