I have started a couple of businesses and enterprises before in my life.
I told any askers that I jumped into starting them before I could talk myself out of it.
Six hundred stories ago
A little more than a year, and almost six hundred stories ago, I started writing at Medium. I was elated at times, and I was depressed at times.
At least in me, maybe to be my own cheerleader, I would sometimes describe a newer direction I intended to pursue in my writing. My future self seemed so excited and optimistic, it was great!
I quickly found that it was the published kiss of death. They did not work out, and I was sure everybody was watching for me to fail.
Which, of course, is silly because, unless I slipped and fell in the produce aisle at Kroger, nobody was paying attention to me anyway.
The trick I discovered is very interesting to me. If I do start something, even in an early, tiny way, I can’t say I am planning, because I’m DOING.
And it seems to work better for me. I am working on a longer explanation of the phenomenon. Really. A book.
Do that thing daily.
When I say I am going to write “A,” it always comes out “<A.” If I start small, and do that thing daily, I am then working on it, and it will grow to an actual “A.”
Saying “I am,” is much more powerful than my saying “I’m going to.”
Thanks for reading!
Don’s a keen observer and prolific reporter of truth, common sense, humor, & life. He’s a WRITER|HUMORIST, sometimes serious, sometimes tongue-in-cheek. He lives in Nashville, Tn. Follow him on TWITTER, FACEBOOK, MEDIUM, or his WEBSITE.