The emotional stages of selling your own house For-Sale-By-Owner.
It may go deeper than you think.
It may go deeper than you think.
There is a popular school of thought that examines the emotional stages of selling your own house For-Sale-By-Owner. It can be easy, or it can become a life-changing event.
Denial — (Comparables stage)
Anger — (Appraisal stage)
Bargaining — (Last-minute Negotiations)
Depression — (Your attorney finally gets to see your contract, but you can’t back out by then)
Acceptance — (The Closing Agent’s haunting laughter)
Most people that experience a death or a separation or a closing go through these stages. Not everyone experiences them in the same order and some people stay in one stage longer than others. For example, one person may be in denial about an event for a few days, but stay angry for several months. Another person may only feel angry for a week or two, but feel depressed for much longer.
It’s important to remember that everyone experiences grief differently. There is no one way to experience grief or separation. Let’s say one of your friends closes his house the same time you do. You may experience it much worse than your friend, or you may seem unaffected with yours, while everyone around you is struggling with theirs.
After you acknowledge that you have closed your house, what do you do about it?
DABDA may not necessarily apply to you in your situation, but if this has been some help to you, good for you. (This info from one of my earlier blogs.)
You can find Don hanging out at his websites about real estate or writing. He’s an analog cowboy in a digital world. Join him Running with a rough crowd down on Writer Squeezin’s Ranch or Real Estate Success Club.