Welp, Sunday blew up.
On one hand, the old home team did great on tv- beat the stew out of the Colts. But on the other hand, the after-game dinner party got a bit out of control and left both me and the house in a wreck.
Big-time fun was had by all though.
Sunday night noir movies lost out to another evening of cowboy movies. Tonight’s fare at three and a half hours was a bit long for my tastes after such an exciting day, but Costner is always good, and I am crazy about this movie’s characterization of Doc Holiday.
The schedule may be coming together
If anyone had told me when I started that it may take the better part of a year to polish up a newsletter, I probably would have laughed.
Much less trying to do more than one, but there you are.
And here I am.
Hopefully, when the dust settles, there will exist a Substack newsletter called Back Pages, that comes out Tuesdays and Fridays. HERE are those details.
There will be a Medium newsletter on Wednesdays called Big-Time Writer’s Club. HERE are those details.
Finally, there will be the Success Club from Revue and mlsDon.com on Thursdays HERE are those details.
This is my intent currently, but it’s taking a long time to get going.
Please think about being an early adopter with one or more of these guys, and I will be intensely appreciative. You can always unsubscribe if you ever decide to, or you can make suggestions if you want to, or you can write and contribute your own stories/articles. Thanks!
Back Pages
I am working on and experimenting with this ending area, too.
Don’s a keen observer and prolific reporter of truth, common sense, humor, & life. He is a WRITER|CREATOR|HUMORIST — based in Nashville, enjoying and reporting the absurd on his website daily, and sent in a weekly newsletter to your inbox. Don@DonMartinBooks.com — Follow at twitter.com/DonMartinBooks.
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