SUNDAY 9-3-23
Storyteller's blog
Good morning! good to see you again! It’s Sunday, and I’m sitting down to drop you a line. Thank you for being a part of this.
I am still in a learning curve about this platform. It was inop a while, and now it’s op. In a perfect world, a good part of this journal would be about a writer’s life and works (mine,) but many peeps do sometimes wish they could do some writing and get paid for it as do I. I am trying to get to the point where someone who just enjoys my writing could subscribe and hear about things I am doing and works on the way, as well as those just published.
They would not have to hear constantly about how to get their own works published. Some, however, are here just to learn how to write and get published. They could subscribe to my Big-time writers club along with this area. now the menu at the top is called different things even by the folk who make the platform, they can be navigation sections, publications, sections, topics, etc. You may see the variables to work with, each with their own rules, make for a learning curve of trial and error. It may not work as I want it to right out of the box. Thanks for your patience! And now for the New Nashville Adventures of Writer-man and his sidekick, Captain Morgan.
Writer-man and his sidekick, Captain Morgan
Prepping for the Next Big Adventure
At the piano-bar in a downtown Holiday Hostelry
Pickin’ and Killin’
This is a story about Writer-man, a superhero, and Captain Morgan, his washed-up private eye sidekick, go on a new adventure getting their mailing address changed at the Nashville post office.
Writer-man was a superhero with the power of writing. He could write anything into existence, from fantastical creatures to powerful weapons. His trusty sidekick, Captain Morgan, was a worn out private eye who had seen better days. Together, they had saved the world many times over.
One day, while at their base in a downtown Holiday Hostelry, taking a break from their crime-fighting duties, Writer-man and Captain Morgan realized that they needed to change their mailing address at the post office. They had just moved from Ohio, where the fight against crime and evil had almost worn them both down.
The address change seemed like a simple enough task, but little did they know that it would lead to a new adventure. Writer-man, the superhero with the power of words, and his loyal companion, Captain Morgan, a so-last-year’s private eye, decided this was the day to take a break from fighting crime and attend to the more mundane task of changing their mailing address at the post office.
As they walked into the post office, they noticed that something was off. The employees were all acting strange, and there was an odd energy in the air. Suddenly, they heard a loud explosion coming from the back of the building.
Without hesitation, Writer-man and Captain Morgan sprang into action. They rushed to the source of the explosion and found a group of villains trying to steal a powerful artifact, an early 1959 Les Paul guitar. The villains were no match for Writer-man and Captain Morgan, who used their skills and powers to defeat them almost immediately.
As they entered the back room, they saw a group of menacing figures attempting to steal a mysterious object from a safe. The thieves were heavily armed, and Writerman and Captain Morgan knew they were outmatched.
"We need a plan," said Captain Morgan. "We can't take them head-on."
Writer-man quickly scribbled a few words on a piece of paper, muttering under his breath. Suddenly, a swarm of bees materialized in the room, buzzing loudly and distracted the thieves.
As they made their way back to the front desk to complete their form, they overheard the employees talking about the strange, stringed object that the thieves had been trying to steal. "It's an ancient artifact," one of them said. "It's been locked away in the safe for years."
Writer-man and Captain Morgan looked at each other knowingly. "We have to get that artifact," said Writer-man.
They quickly formulated a plan. Using Writer-man's power of words, they convinced the post office employees to let them take the artifact, promising to keep it safe. With the artifact in hand, they left the post office, knowing that they had just embarked on a new adventure.
As they walked down the street, the artifact suddenly began to glow. A bright light emanated from it, blinding them momentarily. When they opened their eyes, they found themselves in a strange and unfamiliar place. The world around them was surreal and dream-like as if they had entered a different realm.
Writer-man and Captain Morgan realized that the artifact had transported them to another dimension. As they explored this new world, they encountered strange and wondrous creatures. They also discovered that the artifact had the power to bring their words to life, creating incredible things with just a few simple sentences.
For days, they explored this new world, using Writer-man's power of words to bring their wildest dreams to life. They encountered challenges and overcame them using their combined skills and powers. They knew that they could stay in this world forever, but they also knew that they had a responsibility to protect their own world from danger.
As they prepared to leave this strange new realm, they realized that they had discovered something far greater than they had ever anticipated. The power of words was not just a tool for fighting crime - it was a way to create and explore, to imagine and dream. They left the other dimension feeling inspired and grateful for the unexpected adventure that had brought them there.
When they finally returned to their own world, they found that only minutes had passed. They had been gone for what felt like days, but in reality, they had only been away from the post office for a few moments.
They handed in their form to the
"Excuse us," said Writerman, "we need to change our mailing address."
The employee looked up, relieved to have a momentary distraction from the chaos around her. "Sure thing," she said, handing them a form. "Just fill this out, and I'll process it for you."
Writer-man and Captain Morgan began filling out the form.
Then they made their way back to the front desk to turn in their form.
“Thanks,” said the postal person.