SUNDAY, 9-17-23
JOB OFFER & ARCHITECTURE - Sunday Remarks, Storyteller's blog
Good morning! It is, indeed great to see you!
I hope you have the time this morning for some comments, probably comments I have no business making. But here they are anyway.
I received a possible job offer and questionnaire this week concerning what it is that I do. And this is what I replied.
I Write.
I write. I write for myself and for you. My writing is primarily for entertainment. Mine and yours. I hope to make us chuckle. I hope to give us an occasional subject for us to consider.
I am not like a few stars and influencers whose popularity they confuse for power, causing them to embrace different political causes and wag their collective fingers at us, any who do not believe as they do.
I do not look at my readers as a currency of power, and I will not use my platform to teach you lessons. (Except maybe writing tips.) Today I feel the need to comment on the state of architecture in Nashville.
The Decade of the Potato Chip.
I like architecture. I recognize the architecture of pieces of music, songs, and buildings. I like the symmetry and the balance of much of it. Much of it. I like the strength of it.
The change here started with the downtown Country Music Hall of Fame with its roof-line swoop. It spread to the downtown convention center, with its potato chip-shaped roof.
The potato chip theme continues in the new construction at our airport.
No Balance.
There is no symmetry no balance. Fall over. Blow away. Temporary. Not at all permanent. I guess I’m just not good with change.
Anyway, I’m sure some of you wonder how my job offer turned out.
They did offer me the job and said I could work a couple of weeks, and they would pay me whatever I was worth.
I had to turn them down.
I’m making more than that now.
Thanks for reading!