SUN - The Bad News is We're Having Bear Scat for Dinner Again Tonight.
Photo by Mark Basarab on Unsplash
Conundrum. “a confusing or difficult problem or question.”
I joined you-know-who a couple of years ago, and have written and published hundreds of stories.
After being involved to that extent, and actively watching the statistics, I easily saw that you-know-who was a place where writers wrote about how to write for you-know-who. That subject or even the mention of you-know-who in the title was the key to maximizing their payment.
Gradually, I learned to write about how to write for and about you-know-who and started making a bit of money.
Then something funny happened.
You-know-who suddenly decided that they did not want those types of articles, and since they had control over a writer’s behavior by means of their arbitrary payment, We all suffered together.
In the last while, I also started working with a different site where all the writers write articles about writing HERE, butt was less controlled, I did not necessarily choose It for that reason, but rather because write a lot. I do have a lot of voices in my head.
And, of course, this site seems to like articles about writing for that site. it controls the behavior of its writers in a less direct manner, turning control over to the economic laws of having the most sales earning the most money, and not one step removed from that economic law.
So I try to share my story time with both, but I must admit I enjoy the freedom more on the one than the other. And I very much wish you would subscribe. it’s free here, but would still help me.
You can always buy me some paint at the top menu, or shop my books if any of you are worried about me making my house payment. As always, thanks for being here and reading!
Sadly, I have very limited knowledge of what I am doing on Substack. I am trying to learn. For instance, there is a comment box at the end of the articles, but sometimes when someone makes a comment, I am not sure where it shows up. The comment box below? The little bell drawing at the top right? The little speech bubble at the top right?
For those of you who think I have not responded to a comment you made previously, I apologize. Even at you-know-who, the comments and replies were confusing to me. I will blame it on the “fog of war” from my MS if I am pinned down.
I put the first four letters of the alphabet in the comment area below, and it disappeared but left me no comment scat to follow, but I do enjoy being able to reply to comments at least in the same zip code. But I will get better, I promise.
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Don’s a keen observer and prolific reporter of truth, common sense, humor, & life. He’s a WRITER and humorist, sometimes serious, sometimes tongue-in-cheek. He lives in Nashville, TN. He publishes every weekday morning. If you liked this stuff, get his direct delivery by subscribing HERE!
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Keep those questions coming, and tell your remaining friends about us!
THAT will support the arts!
-don, changing what I can change, laughing at what I can’t.
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