Spring Break -Articles Out of Bounds
I guess I didn’t realize how many title and first line ideas I had written down and jump-started. In fact, my ranch was teeming with stories, in various states of completion.
They also reflect various levels of good taste.
Most of them just got cramped. Thus, a spring break was in order.
Some behaved. Some got rowdy.
As we have already discussed, there may come times in the maturation of a story, when counseling will be in order, because a wheel has gone off the road. It’s part of the process.
I am just learning that occasionally stories will just try to make it on their own.
Some of the stories got in fights, some got in jail. Some did embarrassing things. Some were thoughtful and sent home sweet little 150 word postcards reminding us that they missed us and looked forward to getting home soon.
Like this one.