Springtime in Tennessee,
and love's in the air. This is the real deal, falling into two categories, constant yammering about odd topics, or about writing. I coach a Rough Crowd.
Untouched, unedited, this is the real deal.
It falls into one of two categories, my constant yammering about various topics, and also my constant yammering about writing.
In fact, I am the writing coach of the Rough Crowd, of and for new writers whose work is what some would call edgy and unpolished, and others would call misguided at best. Find it in the Deeper Doofus area.
We have approximately 17,760 followers on all my platforms, and I would be totally delighted to call you a friend, too, along with those others.
My goal is to do some writing here every day, to which you may subscribe and read most for free. And a bit later, I will probably begin to charge for the coaching segments.
Don’s a keen observer and prolific reporter of truth, common sense, humor, & life. He’s a WRITER|HUMORIST, sometimes serious, sometimes tongue-in-cheek. He lives in Nashville, TN. He publishes every weekday morning. Click HERE, and have his new stories emailed directly to you, instead of having to beat the bushes for them.
⭐Don enjoys encouraging and helping new writers at Real-Life Writer. He writes on other topics, too, though. If you enjoyed this story, there are more of them there. Questions, comments, and carping criticisms may be directed to Don@DonMartinBooks.com
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