Yes, this is a Short Promo.
Subscriptions and Membership
Will help me a lot!
People who are kind enough to follow my works, still only see a small fraction of them. So the delivery subscription will help out both of us!
I need any exposure I can get.
Baby does need new shoes and your support.
One of my personalities
Is named Todd.
Sometimes he pops into my scene and says “Hello it's me” and yes he really would like to play all day…
This is my quick elevator description of my music. My first stereo was a suitcase portable Zenith with detachable speakers and Beatles ’65 album, with vocals coming out of one side and music one side. It was like karaoke before karaoke existed.
I also got lp records of Dave Brubeck Quartet “Take Five,” Billy Vaughn and his Orchestra “Theme From a Summer Place,” Schubert's Eighth, and I went CRAZY.
I went on to have bigger and more speakers, separate components, and LOTS of vinyl albums!
I listened to Audie Ashworth, Bill Berlin, Captain Midnight, and Scott (Super-Shan) Shannon in Nashville, and dx listened to Ron Riley and Art Roberts on WLS in Chicago. Music!
I soon did campus radio, local on-air radio, helped convert a house downtown into a recording studio, did live music mixing and played in some garage bands. We used huge Ampex 16-track tape recording transports and a whole house to do what can be done now on a laptop.
But I still like real music over loops- tubes, tapes, and vinyl over all else.
For some reason, I can see and feel sound and harmony and balance and symmetry. I know when it’s right and when not. I sometimes think I can tell you when a new song has the right combo of elements to be good or to be great. It feels as though I almost see the music.
And for all my crappy creds, I am but a meager fraction of a wannabe compared to those real sound peeps walking around here in Nashville.
Medium story #251
Based on other stories I have read, this number entry has gotten me solidly into a higher tax bracket, and I am filling out my deposit slips even as we speak.
I am calling it a short promo, because that area is largely undefined and therefore it fits well.
Thanks for your time.
Don’s a keen observer and prolific reporter of truth, common sense, humor, & life. He is a WRITER|CREATOR|HUMORIST — — Follow him at — “BIG-TIME WRITER”- Insider Newsletter
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