Set Your Alarm So You Won’t Miss Leisure Time!
There’s an easier way to do this writing stuff.
When you think of writers at work, do you picture Jean-Paul Marat writing during the French Revolution of the Peter Weiss play?
Well, SURPRISE! Don’t cry for me, writer-interns. The toughest writing I usually do as a big-time writer is to make out my bank deposit slips.
Don’t let the serious drama-type, non-fictioneers bring you down. It can be just as easy and enjoyable as you let it. So tuck that pouty lip back in, and come with me on the Deeper Doofus Tropical, Real-Life Writing Tour. Where our motto is, “Take off that long face and put on your snazzy Hawaiian shirt.” LET’S WRITE!
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Don’s a keen observer and prolific reporter of truth, common sense, humor, & life. He’s a WRITER and humorist, sometimes serious, sometimes tongue-in-cheek. He lives in Nashville, TN. He publishes help pieces every weekday morning. Real-life Writing, Real-life Real Estate, Real-life Content and Passive Income, & Write a Book, Ten Minutes at a Time.