Good morning, all!
I will attempt to begin it each day rather early, and publish the first section, but without sending it out to anyone, so that it will be available here in this site for you to visit whenever you wish.
During other parts of the day, I will add to today’s entry and publish, so that a visit at 2 pm may be substantially different and fuller than a visit at 10 am.
During the day I may be fortunate enough to publish a story on Medium, and I will make that announcement here with some contextual lines and a link to it.
Now that part being out of the way, I must tell you it’s 9 am.
I start around 7 am during the week, but Saturdays are different.
Let me tell you about Saturdays. Saturdays are different from you and me. Because they possess and enjoy early, it does something to them. It makes them soft where we are hard, cynical where we are trustful, in a way, that unless you were born a Saturday, would be difficult for you to understand.
I’m sorry, I may have channeled F. Scott for a moment…
And oddly enough, I am still trying to firm up a format for this newsletter that is both pleasing to you guys, my readers, and doable from my standpoint, too.
I do write a lot of articles some weeks, and I don’t want any of you to feel that an email each time I publish one is crazy.
So I think I will publish each article (and more) here where they can be read at your convenience and a couple of recaps that will be sent to you each week. The Tuesday Back Pages, and the Friday Struggle Bus will happen Friday or Saturday.
As always, please check them out, and please let’s chat.
This is what’s beautiful about this format- that I’m not just talking at you through a megaphone. It’s almost possible to have a conversation.