I like blue...
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I love me some Bluey!
And Blueberries!
It’s Saturday. Some would call it the weekend.
Sick again. My staff thought I was having another stroke. I went to the hospital last Sunday morning.
I had already called the EMTs a couple of times the day before to help me out of the floor after I botched so chair-to-chair transitions. Embarassing, but not fatal until I was given those final instructions “If you have to call the fire department one more time, you can tell them to take your raggety-ass to the hospital. I am sick of the red lights in the driveway.”
My arms and legs were weak. Virtually non-existent. Pudding-muscles, I could stand up. Get up, or stay standing only once I was accidentally standing.
My first stroke was scary because I have had multiple sclerosis for a good while, my left side is weak anyway, so my stroke intensified that weakness.
THIS TIME THEY RAN SOME FAST SCANS AND DETERMINED there was nothing new, as in no new stroke, but some blood work did reveal that I had influenza A. Since I did have the flu, and they intended to admit me, they started me on Tamiflu, a substance some claim to make the patient feel considerably worse than the flu itself.
To make matters even worse, there were patients stacked in the halls of the ED like cordwood. I was kind of PO’ed, myself, but evidently not as bad as the girl in a room next door, who kept beating her head on the wall, and crying how she wanted to go home, or the elderly lady past her, who wouldn’t stay in bed despite repeated requests by the doctors and nurses.
Ifor ended up lying on the gurney over 24 hours.
I do have a lot to share with you.