Two Non-negotiable Things A Medium Writer Must Do To Be Successful
The lowest common denominator to get out of the soup line.
I look to simplify things every chance I get.
“Reduce to the ridiculous,” some call it. But we take the ingredients individually. Then when we mix them and heat them, we have cake.
If the cake is the result you are after, the first things needed are the ingredients. I’ll break them down individually soon.
Ingredients for Medium Success.
1. Write a lot.
Write as much as you can. Write all the time.
If you’re worried about ideas to write about, grab my free PDF checklist to help you.
2. Get eyes on your writing.
Expose the stories to as many people as you can. Then expose some more.
Last thought.
These are the two legs on which your writing successes stand. As with everything else, they can be complicated, or they can be real-life, no-theory.
Don’s a keen observer and prolific reporter of truth, common sense, humor, & life. He’s a WRITER|HUMORIST, sometimes serious, sometimes tongue-in-cheek. He lives in Nashville, Tn. He publishes every weekday morning. Click HERE, and have his new stories emailed directly to you, instead of having to look for them.
⭐Don enjoys encouraging and helping new writers at Real-Life Writer. If you enjoyed this story, there are more of them there.