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I love me some Bluey!
And Blueberries!
Thank you so much for reading! And please don’t forget if you click the little envelope icon, it will turn solid green, the skies will open, the sun will shine on you, birds will sing, and you will have good luck in life.
I am working on a newer idea called micro-books, that moves toward smaller, and more focused books, less expensive to buy, and less time-consuming to read.
As I had said, I will let you know when new books come out, so that is what I am doing. Thank you so much, for reading my stuff. Amazon has them priced in the beginning at 0.99, and I know that’s exorbitant, but if any of you do decide to buy and read, I certainly would love a short truthful review at Amazon.
I’m sorry they cost so much but that’s the cheapest Amazon will let me price it.
My two new books are HERE and HERE.
Thank you again!
Don’s a keen observer and prolific reporter of truth, common sense, humor, & life. He’s a WRITER|HUMORIST, sometimes serious, sometimes tongue-in-cheek. He lives in Nashville, TN. He publishes somewhere every weekday morning. Click HERE, and have his new stories emailed directly to you, instead of having to beat the bushes for them.
⭐Don writes on other topics, too. If you enjoyed this story, there are more of them in that fecund brain of his. Questions, comments, and carping criticisms may be directed to Don@DonMartinBooks.com
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I am Don Martin. I write books and stories. Check out my new microbook about microbooks. Join my reader family for my writing news and rumors.
Also, this post may contain sales or affiliate links, so I might get a little money if you purchase anything. Thank you in advance!