Plagiarism Is The Sincerest Form Of Flattery
This story was written by Socrates. I just put my name on it.
Stolen stories have often been around for a while and met the test of time. They have been focus-grouped and proven to last.
What must be realized, is that we are living in a time of increasing population. The literacy rate is also increasing around a lot of the world.
The number of people actually writing is increasing.
And yet we deal with a finite number of topics from year to year.
Yes, one or two newly invented words may be added from time to time, such as “cryptocurrency” and “transistor,” but largely this is it.
Our popular music is the result of repeated loops. Our newscasts are repeats from yesterday. Our TV consists of reruns. Las Vegas productions have “residency” to insure there is always a show for new tourists to watch.
This is generally regarded as the “Big Bang Theory of Content Creation.” You can’t out-bang it, you can only grab onto a piece and ride along.
So when you’re finished with my story, don’t just give it a couple of claps. You’re clapping for civilization itself. Make it count, tenderfoot!
Thanks for reading!
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