Let’s face it. What do your pictures do most of the time on your FSBO listing?
They sit around. Or lie there.
They may be the perfect exposure — not too dark or too light. They may be well-composed and sharply focused. They may be Goldilocks, JUST RIGHT!
But do they talk to you? Do they speak to the viewer and engage in conversation, or do they just cause them to say “nice picture,” and move on to the next listing? While you keep driving around the block, you may be overlooking the empty parking space by the front door.
An Empty Caption Box
A vacant photo text field is a terrible thing to waste. There is a finite amount of usable space in an MLS listing. Most text areas under the photos are unused. That is a lot of space. If your MLS system and/or the MLS-only plan you purchased gives you, for instance, 20 pictures, and each picture could hold 100 characters, that is 2000 letters and spaces.
That could be huge. Picture captions should be conversational-styled sentences. Bullet lists don’t translate well or look good in pix captions. But that amount of letters could sell a lot of sizzle with that steak!
Don’t insult the viewer’s intelligence.
Don’t just use this newly discovered space to tell the prospect that “this room is a bathroom” and “this space is the foyer.” Give them a break- they already know that.
That may be Stonehenge over there… (the view out the window…)
Tell them what they don’t know.