With one being the equivalent of an obscure Shakespearean pun, and ten being a total butt-crash on your icy front porch, how would you rate my last article?
Did you feel morose, taciturn, crestfallen, and totally down-in-the-dumps?
Or was it happily hilarious like Don Rickles roasting your mother-in-law?
A five?
Would a five be about it?
All I can say is, no wonder you haven’t subscribed! I’d be tentative too if I had a writer-friend who was talking about ending it all and selling his laptop.
So here’s the deal. No live music and a raffle. Just my promise to you, the reader and potential subscriber. If it doesn’t pass my own chortle test, I won’t submit it until it does.
My promise to you.
My computer can sit here and honk and snort and make all nature of impatient, Walter Mitty sounds, but I won’t push the “go” button until the story is ready.
I know that’s not the equivalent of a money-back guarantee, but it’s the best I can do this quickly, and hopefully, it will take some of the risk away from such an important decision.
So click your clickers on the envelope symbols or the magic links, and let’s get this party started.
Thanks be to you!
A real estate broker for the last 38 years, Don’s a keen observer and prolific reporter of truth, common sense, humor, & life. He’s a WRITER|HUMORIST — Follow and obey him at twitter.com/DonMartinBooks and at https://www.facebook.com/DonMartinBooks/
1) Tap to get all of Don’s stories right in your mailbox. (Often Medium notifies less than 1% of his followers about his new and wonderful stories.)
2) Tap to join Don’s “Back Pages,” a quick bit of weekly personal, insider-type thoughts. — He has already made thousands smile, hundreds laugh out loud, and dozens unsubscribe!
Don is also the editor of two boorish Medium publications, Writers & Storytellers, and DIY Real Estate.