Of My 12 Stories This Week, Only 25% Were Good Moneymakers.
Among other topics this week, of real estate, relaxation, and fiction, it seems that writing stories easily got the most readers.
Twelve isn’t a monstrous number. Some weeks the demands of my FTJ slack off a little and gives me some extra time.
I guess I use the extra time for writing.
My stories usually include a variety of topics but mostly humor. If I ever wish I had more reads, there would always be a couple of peeps telling me to diversify my choices; it’s OK.
It probably is the case with me that when I deviate into topics that seem like a good idea at the time, my writing ability falls apart and turns to you know what.
This week’s cool kids were story 1, story 2, and story 3.
The peeps who tell me I need to write about writing are probably just being nice to me and trying to let me maintain my dignity.
So with my dignity intact, I have decided to keep on making my stupid jokes and, at the same time, work on my serious, instructive writing. Like Zorro, I can’t wear the mask 24/7.
I’ll keep experimenting and reporting the results.
Neither of my high school English teachers thought I would ever amount to much. Well, I showed them — now I’m a big-time writer! I can teach you how to be one too! Click HERE to grab my quick PDF intro guide on becoming a Big-Time Writer.
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