I know sometimes it must seem as though I start every story, “Now here’s the deal!”
But this time, this really IS the deal!
Ant of you who have followed me know I am still beating my head over these newsletters without much success.
As Mick Jagger once said, “I can’t get no last edition…”
One letter spreads the word about my Medium writing, another something else. One does fine in one area, but gives up ground in another area. No Goldilocks.
As Hank Voight would say, “no joy!”
Tim Denning, my brother from another orphanage, and I were hit by the same tidal wave on different islands when it comes to realizations about Social Media.
This was the story I published yesterday…
And this morning I read Tim’s views on how much time we spend on gaining followers that are hit-or-miss thanks to overriding algorithms at work.
I personally write a lot. Not very well, but a lot. I have, by count and definition, several thousand followers on different platforms, but for any given new story, there may only be a handful of readers for the first few days. That doesn’t seem right to me.
But I guess I am depending on different platforms and publications to do the exposure for me, rather than taking the responsibility of doing it myself.
So over the next couple of weeks, I will be working on my exposure and some more weekly features, all of which should make this endeavour more exciting.
At the same time, somehow, I have inadvertently started up another substack HERE.
It feels as though I’m spinning plates on the top of sticks on the Ed Sullivan Show.