Newsletter 2023 #16 (Recap, tunes, old cowboy movies )
Recap, tunes, and old cowboy movies.
It’s Friday again.
Here are a few of this week’s BEST.
And when I say BEST, I mean to me, the final arbiter in such things since it’s my pseudo-column.
We have also done a good bit on our Medium Publication, WRITERS and STORYTELLERS, and are happy to have a new writer, Syed Munsif, who brings us a very interesting story about the pyramids. I hope you’ll take a look.
APRIL 2023 (Friend links- free)
Can a person write medium stories so good as to make himself cry?
Why don’t many people use the word “arcane?”
Can Publish My New Story on My Profile and Submit it to a Publication Later?
How is the Water Pressure on the 50th floor?
Do houseflies have tiny little wing muscles?
Some Call It “Fiction,” I call It “Enhanced Non-fiction.”
Observations on Ultrasound Scans of my Aorta and Legs.
Conversations With Artificial Intelligence
Can a Sensitive Guy Become a Good Writer? Updated.
Have you ever written anything that is SO not worth reading
1 Additional, Profitable Writing Hack, Updated
Thanks, once again for reading.
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