Hello, and good afternoon!
Yes, I am still struggling with this letter.
This will come as a surprise and a shock to many of you, especially those of you who know me personally, but I have no clue what I am doing here.
We had a semi-rough week last week in which we got beat up a bit by social media. They all decreased our numbers of followers, our ability to joke and kid around, and ultimately decreased our number of reads significantly.
So, in addition to the regular amount of writing we do, we are trying to shift a lot of our presence to this platform, where we can remain unplugged and unfiltered, not shackled by algorithms, fact-checkers, Tories, and Whigs.
So here is a handful of stories, bruised and battered as they may be from the revolution, here to sing “poor old Marat, in you we trust!” I think they will get better and more plentiful soon.
We also find ourselves in the fortunate position of adding peeps to the roster who are not annoyed by my rambling, stream-of-consciousness non-sequiturs.
Thank you for being here! If there is anything you see that I can improve on please tell me.
And if it’s possible, without embarrassing yourself, tell a friend about us.
Thursday did sneak up on me pretty quickly this week, but things will settle down and get back to the new normal very soon. Thank you for being a part of it.