New Writers are a Rough Crowd (revised)
Unfiltered, Unedited, First-Draft Kind of People Welcome to Submit Stories HERE.
Yes, I’m proud to have been one — to be one even now. Sometimes a fighter, bruised and tired, still trying to figure out the system.
The system is not Intuitive
After almost 250 articles, (now, 950 ) I’m here to tell you the system is not intuitive. you are rarely born knowing it.
My mom spent many years of her life hoping and trying to be a published, paid writer, exploring one writer’s market after another, and mailing off manuscripts.
But I guess I wasn’t born with the gene.
I had to start from “go.”
Prompted a little by her efforts and a little by my two high school English teachers who told me I would never amount to much, and a “well, I’ll show YOU” attitude, I set about to find a way to make a buck or two from writing. And like a gambler who lets it ride, I tried to parlay those small victories into larger ones.
Now I try to help writing newcomers. In the beginning, I was helped tremendously by a mentor who had a publication with a huge following. When he published one of my stories, It would have a lot of eyes on it.
There is much to be said about huge publications, but I can’t offer that yet. What I can offer, is a place for a new writer to be published fairly quickly when they elect to become part of this rough crowd. I will give them some pretty quick steps to start making some money.
Your Invitation.
So follow this publication, please.
After you are a paid member of the Rough Crowd on this site, HERE when you submit your stories, if you submit one by 4 pm, I’ll publish it that calendar day. Incidentally, I’m on Central US time. Even when we get a HUGE number of submissions, I will do my best to make this happen.
So, if you are a newer writer wanting to gain some traction in this business, join the Rough Crowd!
Thanks for reading!
Don’s a keen observer and prolific reporter of truth, common sense, humor, & life. He’s a WRITER|HUMORIST, sometimes serious, sometimes tongue-in-cheek. He lives in Nashville, TN. He publishes every weekday morning.
Are you thinking about freeing your inner writer and starting to make some money ASAP? Take these four steps right now.
1. Go to my Profile Page, at Don Martin, and check out more of the dumpster fire I call my writing portfolio. It’s all there.
2. Sign on with Medium so you can participate in what I believe is the easiest and best place to get published.
3. Envelope Subscribe to the service that takes my new stories to your inbox.
4. Join my Rough Crowd for ongoing writing tips from a quasi-professional — receive my simple writing blueprint to follow for FREE