New Writer Questions: What Should I Write About?
Question two in a series of six questions
Don Martin, Real-Life Writer, is an email newsletter & blog exploring down-to-earth writing. Most installments are free, some for paid subscribers only.
Choosing a topic or subject for your writing can be both exciting and daunting. These are some strategies to help you find inspiration and develop your ideas.
Life experiences
You could start by brainstorming topics that interest you or those that you feel passionate about. Consider your life experiences, beliefs, hobbies, and areas of expertise. Writing about something you care about will make the process more enjoyable over time.
Think about personal experiences. Reflect on significant moments, challenges, triumphs, mistakes, or lessons learned from your own life. Personal experiences can provide much material for writing, whether in the form of your memoirs, personal stories, or fictionalized stories inspired by real events.
Everyday observations
Pay attention to your surroundings. People, everyday observations, conversations, news stories, nature, art, and culture are great. Keep a journal or notebook to jot down interesting ideas or observations as they occur to you.
Explore and even experiment with different genres and formats of writing to see what resonates with you. Whether you’re drawn to fiction, nonfiction, poetry, journalism, screenwriting, or blogging, there are endless possibilities to explore. Don’t be afraid to go outside your comfort zone and try something new.
Learning something new
Research new topics that intrigue you but that you may not know much about. Learning something new can usually spark fresh ideas and perspectives for your writing. Explore libraries, visit online resources that include interviews, documentaries, and other sources of information to deepen your experience.
Think about who you want to write for and what resonates with them. Whether you’re writing for children, young adults, adults, or a specific niche audience, consider their interests and preferences as you develop your ideas.
Borrow techniques or themes
Read widely across different genres and styles of writing. Pay attention to writers who inspire you and think about what makes their work compelling. Don’t be afraid to borrow techniques or themes from other writers, but always strive to bring your unique voice and perspective to your writing.
Experiment, play, and have fun with your writing. Write without judgment or pressure to produce a polished final product. Enjoy the creative process and trust that your ideas will evolve and develop over time.
Last words
Ultimately, finding the right topic or subject for your writing is a personal and subjective process. Trust your instincts, follow your curiosity, and allow yourself to explore different avenues until you find what resonates with you. The most important thing is to keep writing and nurturing your creativity.
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