Are you living paycheck to paycheck, but you are thinking you could pick up a few bucks with your writing? Everybody who reads it seems to like it, but you don’t have a clue how or where to start.
You’ve read what you can find and watched how-to videos, but none just tell in plain language how to start the ball rolling.
This book will explain the one-two-three simple methods of making money by doing something you love. Writing!
How Do I Even Start Writing?
Question one of a series of six questions.
What Should I Write About?
Question two in a series of six questions
How Can I Become Better At Writing?
Question three in a series of six questions
How Do I Get Published?
Question four in a series of six questions
How Do I Build An Audience?
Question five in a series of six questions
How Do I Handle Rejection?
Question six in a series of six questions.
Don has been writing for ten years, Now. he has written more than thirty books and more than a thousand articles. He’s an excellent teacher.