My Stories Are Like A Car-Wreck
You have to slow down to look, but you don’t want to get involved.
You have to slow down to look, but you don’t want to get involved.
You have to slow down to look, but you don’t want to get involved.
You probably aren’t fully committed to the subscription process.
But, the subscription process takes a load off your shoulders. The responsibility of constant vigilance simply goes away! No longer do you ard your buds have to sleep in shifts, one always watching, even when the rest of the group is sleeping.
This is the place where the stories go to get told.
Since the dawn of time, we have passed down all knowledge in the form of stories, be they parables or hieroglyphics.
My mom always told me that NOBODY likes a storyteller, but here I come before you now, representing a storyteller, but having an “I HEART MARTIN” fan club. Simply does not add up. And my mom would never tell me a story.
Hopefully, you can begin to see the difficulty of having a newsletter.
But I will persist. I will survive, Gloria.
I will offer it all and more! There will be free stuff. There will be giant, catered parties at the lake.
And if you go ahead and subscribe now, I will make sure your subscription stays active and migrates to where the fun is. And THAT’S no story.
I see you’re already smiling, so why not go ahead and join Don’s extra-content “STORY-TELLER” newsletter, coming with extra smiles and the book “A Year of Martin!”
Become a MEDIUM Member and support Don!
p.s. Up at the top of this story are Twitter & Facebook logos. If you click either or both, you can share this with your friends. I would be big-time grateful!