The vegetable, not the magician.
At the beginning of the year, I was trying to discover who I was as a Medium writer and explain it to you as 5 or 6 medium readers.
This is what I wrote at the time.
My Sense of Humor Defined
It turns out that a lot of people have recommended to me that I lose the humor. But this particular story has turned out to be one of the most popular of all my stories this year.
That tells me that more people than I thought enjoyed my sense of humor or that more people than I thought wonder what planet I am from.
I have decided at this point, that my sense of humor is more accurately described as being similar to an eggplant or zucchini.
Sometimes weekend farmers may take a stab at growing a couple of the plants in their back yard, and soon discover how they proliferate to the point of having to try to give them away to friends and neighbors.
Very few understand what they are and graciously accept them.
More of them roll their eyes when they see you approaching with an armful. Some will take them to be kind, but toss them in the trash after you leave. Some will be so blunt as to tell you they just don’t care for them.
But the veggies keep on coming all year. By the thousands.
Like my puns and bon-mots.
Neighbors and friends hide and don’t answer their doorbells until past Thanksgiving, way past the end of the growing season.
The big problem is that there is no defined growing season to my jocularity. To me it is evergreen. I guess people get sick of it if they don’t start out sick of it.
Don’t make that first joke.
Friends don’t let friends crack jokes.
It’s a slippery slope, even if you are not a writer. Writers may need to make a pittance from their efforts. Non-writers may simply enjoy friends who still speak to them.
In the approximate year and 500 stories that have occurred since I last addressed this topic, I am still searching for a complete explanation of my sense of humor, and the number of reads tells me you are too.
Looks as though a few of us are trying to figure it out.
Thanks for being there!