I admit I do look a little homeless. Just a bit, maybe. whatever I do, I do with my right hand. That’s not that good for parting my hair. It’s also hard to do anything else when I’m talking on the phone.
But I keep working. I am pretty much caught up right now on all the orders I received to have houses put into the MLS, so I have some extra time.
I started out trying to write at least a couple hundred words a day here, in the journal. then the peeps at Medium.com came up with a challenge for writers who could write every day for 100 days, 10 short articles per day. Those thousand articles supposedly will cause certain results.
The smallest acceptable story on Medium is a short-form story, with no more than 150 words, but I know how demanding that many stories, even short ones, are to crank out.
So wish me luck! And keep up with my efforts here if you would. As always, I’d love it if you would subscribe, and it would be awesome if you’d talk a friend into subscribing.
We are still arguing with our insurer for more than 45 years for our houses and cars. The auto body shop of their choice is taking a week or so longer than promised.
PJ uses the car to get me to the hospital twice a week for physical therapy after my stroke. They refuse to extend the rental car.
There is no such thing as customer service anymore. I won’t mention the names of the companies yet. Like that would mean anything to them. I’ll keep you posted.
Yesterday and today I got four stories finished each day, so I have to buckle down now.
ps. There are more stories on the website if you have the time to look.