Monday Journal
An ongoing daily journal from the home office
Last night and this morning, I had the opportunity to speak with Artificial Intelligence for a quick interview.
Naturally, I tested it and tried to fool it. I tried my best to make it slip up and give me a wrong answer.
It never answered the question, “if you’re so smart, when are you going to rule the world?”
Its condescendingly smug look told me it had no clue.
Aorta scan.
My newfound friends, the entire medical community, have found something for me to do this afternoon. I am going in for an ultrasound scan of my leg vessels, and we found a coupon that made this the perfect time to have an aorta scan, too.
This is supposed not to be too terribly invasive, and probably won’t require my usual full sedation and a couple of days in the hospital.
Later this afternoon.
I’m afraid I didn’t get back here today.